How to Market Your Pressure Washing Business: Ideas To Grow

How to Market Your Pressure Washing Business: 16 Ideas to Grow Your Company

Marketing is integral to any pressure washing business. After all, if your target customers don’t know you exist, how will they enlist your services? So, it’s crucial to get your name out there, particularly in front of those who are looking. Not just any haphazard marketing strategy will do, though. 

The right strategy, complete with traditional and digital marketing methods, can help you grow your company. And as you grow and develop, you can further boost your business by adapting your marketing strategies and streamlining business operations. Here are a few ideas on how to market your pressure-washing business.

1. Create a Memorable Brand

A forgettable brand isn’t ideal. If your customers can’t remember your brand after they’ve used your services, how are they supposed to come back (unless, of course, they have it written down or saved somewhere)? 

Creating a memorable brand is a must when starting a pressure-washing business. It sets you apart from the pack, differentiating you from a sea of service providers. 

That brand can help build trust and familiarity with your customers, which may even create loyal customers. Plus, when customers can easily recall your brand, they’re more likely to consider it when they need your pressure washing services.  

Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to create an ultra-elaborate name or logo. There’s nothing wrong with keeping it simple, but ensure that your choice is easy to remember and accurately conveys your offerings. 

For example, if you’re a pressure washing business, ‘Carl’s Cleaning’ might be a bit too generic. Are you a carpet cleaner? A house cleaner? A car cleaner? By that name, your could-be customers won’t know what you offer. 

Once you figure out your business name, slogan, and logo, design marketing materials that reflect it. Choose colors and fonts that match your brand and print them on business cards, employee uniforms, flyers, decals, and other items. Keep that same branding across all platforms so you’re easily recognizable (consistency is key).

2. Build a Google Business Profile

Having a Google Business Profile is a must for marketing. It’s what your customers will (usually) see first when they search for your business. It provides the basic information about your business, including your phone number, location, and other standard details they might need to know. 

If you don’t have a Google Business Profile, your could-be customers might not even know your existence! So, it’s a must. Take the time to set up your profile and enter core details about your business.

3. Craft an Easy-to-Navigate Website

Once potential customers find you, they’ll probably want to learn more about your services and how to contact you. Your Google Business Profile should provide the basics, including your phone number, but your website should provide a detailed view. 

At a minimum, your website should include a home page, service pages, an about us page, and a contact page. For bonus points, add a testimonials page where visitors can easily read through reviews and a blog page where you offer informative content. 

The website should be clean, well-designed, and easy to navigate. Don’t make your customers dig for what they need (contact information, services, etc.). Make it easy on them with a user-friendly interface. 

4. Make Your Work Vehicle a Billboard on Wheels

Have you ever been driving down the interstate and spotted a branded vehicle? It might be a mobile car-washing business, a plumbing company, or even a beer brand. The text and bright colors might catch your eye, drawing your attention from the otherwise boring sea of basic, solid car colors. 

These vehicles are billboards on wheels. And, since branded cars aren’t exactly the norm, they stand out. They’re excellent advertising. So, if you have a vehicle dedicated to your pressure washing business (or are willing to add a decal to your personal vehicle), add that to your advertising portfolio. It’s one of the most straightforward (but effective) methods in this list of how to market your power washing business. 

You could go all out with a fully wrapped vehicle featuring branding all over each panel (well-designed and neatly laid out branding, of course), or you could keep it simple with a few well-placed decals. It’s up to you!

5. Create Social Media Accounts

Social media is a powerful marketing tool. In recent years, more and more businesses have started implementing social media into their marketing strategies. Some businesses use their platforms to share actual ads, while others focus on building an audience through funny or informative content. 

For example, you might share memes related to your business, satisfying transformation videos from a previous job, or an informational video on DIY pressure washing your driveway. Post your content to popular platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, using related tags to categorize it. 

These accounts can be an outstanding way to improve brand visibility overall. Your content might not always end up in front of locals, but when it does, it boosts local brand awareness. 

6. Work on Your SEO Game

Digital marketing is king. It’s a new and improved form of marketing that allows you to target a wider range of customers without having to invest money in physical printed advertising materials. And, since lots of people turn to sites like Google to find services in their area, having a well-rounded digital marketing strategy is a must. 

Part of that strategy includes search engine optimization (SEO). A strong SEO strategy helps you work toward ranking for specific keywords, such as “pressure washing in Seattle” or “driveway pressure cleaning in Minneapolis.” It drives people looking for your services to your website, establishing you as an excellent option to suit their needs and helping convert leads. 

SEO has multiple moving parts, requiring careful attention to both on-page, off-page, and technical aspects. If you don’t have the time or know-how to tackle the bear that is SEO, you can always hire a marketing agency to handle it for you (although this can get pretty pricey). 

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7. Develop Useful and Informative Content

Creating valuable and informative content goes hand-in-hand with your SEO strategy, particularly your on-page strategy. Providing helpful content can go a long way in establishing you as a trustworthy and knowledgeable pressure-washing provider. Not only that, it can help you work on your SEO game, allowing you to weave target keywords into your carefully crafted content. 

You might create a blog explaining how to safely pressure wash a home, redirecting to your services at the end in a call to action (CTA). Or, you might write a blog about the latest updates in the pressure washing world. 

When people come across that content, they might simply be looking for information on that particular topic. They might not even be looking for your services, but since you can tie in a call to action in your content, you can redirect to your services. 

Some people might read the content and move on, while others might follow through and book your services. For example, let’s say you wrote a blog about pressure washing a house safely. Person A comes along, reads how to do the project, and does it themself. Person B comes along, reads the steps in the project, and discovers that they, in fact, do not feel comfortable doing it themself. In the end, they discover that you provide those services, so they hire you to complete the project for them. 

Not all visits to that content will translate into a conversion, but at a minimum, you’ve improved your brand visibility by another person. At best, you’ve converted another lead. 

8. Run a Newspaper Ad

Running newspaper ads might seem outdated. You might be thinking, “Who still gets the newspaper?” The answer? Lots of people. And, since the newspaper usually goes out to local audiences, it can be a phenomenal way to target your community. 

Newspaper ads are highly effective in reaching specific demographics, particularly adults aged 35 and older. They usually have a higher average return on investment (ROI) than other forms of advertising, so while you might be doubtful, this avenue can be a worthwhile consideration. 

Plus, they’re usually fairly cost-effective, especially for a smaller ad in a local newspaper (usually costs a few hundred dollars or less). Of course, if you want to go with a full-page ad in a large publication that serves more than a few cities, you might be looking at several thousand dollars. 

9. Launch a PPC Campaign

A paid-per-click (PPC) campaign can help place your ads in front of people most likely to need your services. A well-designed PPC campaign can offer immediate results, sending customers your way as soon as it goes live. It allows you to target specific customers based on where they live, what their interests are, and other relevant details. 

For example, if you were to search for pressure washing services in your area right now, you’d probably get search results with a few sponsored options at the top. Those spots are generally part of PPC advertising. Businesses can bid on selected keywords related to their offerings, potentially allowing them to place highly targeted ads on sites like Google, Facebook, and more. 

It’s worth noting that this option isn’t the cheapest form of marketing, especially if the selected keywords are highly competitive. However, if you’re willing to invest the marketing funds and can develop a well-designed campaign, the boost your business receives can be well worth it. 

10. Hone in On Email Marketing

An email marketing campaign is another excellent way to advertise your offerings. It’s an inbound option focusing on your current customers rather than your potential ones. 

Now, that might not sound ideal, especially if you’re trying to expand your reach, but it’s important that you don’t forget about your current customer base. Email marketing allows you to continually communicate with previous customers, notifying them of current deals and new services or supplying helpful information that redirects to your content. 

For example, let’s say that your customer hires you to pressure wash their driveway. You finish the job successfully, they’re happy, you’re happy, and all is well. A few months later, that same customer needs their house pressure cleaned. However, since they’re only aware of your concrete washing services, they don’t even consider you as the provider. 

With email marketing, you can ensure that your current customers know what you provide. Send out a newsletter periodically, updating your clients on recent changes, new services, and any other updates they might need to know. 

11. Implement Direct Mail Marketing

If email marketing isn’t your strong suit (or you want to up your marketing game with both), work on implementing direct mail marketing. While you’ll need to purchase physical marketing materials, making it a pricier option, it can be a highly effective way to get your name out there. 

Direct mail can take several different forms: postcards, stickers, magnets, door hangers—you name it. Each of these methods can be a great way to up your marketing game. Send your chosen mail to potential customers in your area, letting them know that your business exists and is ready to handle their pressure washing needs. 

12. Build Your Brand With Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are crucial for a pressure washing business (or any business, for that matter). 

Think about it: when you need a new roof, an HVAC repair, or lawn services, you want the most qualified and highly rated service provider to do it. You don’t want the poorly-rated provider, whose profile is littered with complaints about less-than-stellar services and customer experiences. No, you probably want the one with an excellent profile teeming with customers with nothing but good things to say. 

After all, a business’s customer reviews reflect the customers’ experiences working with that business, so you want to choose one with positive feedback. The same goes for your potential customers. They want to know you’re reliable, trustworthy, and good to work with. So, how do you communicate that? Through customer reviews.

Your customer reviews paint a picture for potential customers, giving them an inside look at your services from the customer’s standpoint. If you don’t have any reviews, they have nothing to base their choice on, so they might view it as a risk to use your business for their pressure washing needs. 

So, to ensure that your potential customers can lean on the feedback of previous customers when making their decisions, start building your reviews on your Google Business Profile. Ask previous customers to leave a review on your profile, providing easy-to-follow instructions on how to do it with each receipt (either printed or emailed) you send out. Not every customer will leave a review, but with time and consistently great services, you can start building out the reviews section of your profile and website. 

13. Set Up a Booth at a Local Event

While digital marketing is king, the good ‘ol fashioned face-to-face marketing strategy isn’t obsolete. In fact, in smaller communities, that face-to-face connection can go a long way in building solid relationships with the people in your area. There are all sorts of ways to establish yourself in your community through traditional face-to-face marketing methods, including a booth at a local event. 

For example, you could set up shop at a local farmer’s market, trade show, or home and garden show. We’ve even seen pressure-washing companies market their services at local fairs! Find a relevant local event to market your services and set up a booth. 

Of course, selecting the right event is only half the battle. Once you’re there, you’ll need to have a method for bringing people into your booth to learn more about your services. How you do this is up to you. You could offer free merch, such as a branded lanyard, hat, or mug. Or, you might offer a special discount (more on this next) or a chance to win a free service (like a free driveway or patio pressure cleaning). 

14. Provide Exclusive Offers to Sweeten the Deal

Shoppers love discounts and exclusive offers. Who can refuse a killer deal on a new item or service they’ve been eyeballing? Not us! So, take advantage of that draw by offering an exclusive offer to sweeten the deal. Send out that offer with your various forms of marketing, whether through a newspaper ad, email marketing, PPC campaign, influencer marketing, or something similar. 

It might be something like 15% off your first service or a free add-on service from a pre-selected list when you spend X amount of dollars. The offer doesn’t have to be anything crazy or something that will keep you from making at least some profit. It should be just enough to entice the potential customers who need your services to choose you over the other guys. Again, who can say no to a bargain?

15. Consider Using Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing can be an excellent, albeit pricey, way to promote your business. People are more likely to follow through on recommendations from family, friends, and others they trust, which, in some cases, can include influencers. So, if you’re looking for another way to get your business out there, influencer marketing might be a good option. 

Look for influencers near you who have a strong presence on sites like TikTok and Instagram. These influencers can give you access to a broader, established audience, placing your brand in front of more people. Of course, not all those people will be locals, and not everyone will follow through on the influencer’s recommendation of your services. People are more likely to buy from or enlist the services of a brand they recognize, so visibility can go a long way. 

16.Implement a Hard-to-Refuse Referral Program

Once you start building your customer base, implement a top-notch referral program. These programs are an excellent form of advertising that uses word-of-mouth recommendations. They’re a step up from influencer marketing, relying on the recommendations of family and friends to boost your business instead of influence recommendations. 

The workings are pretty simple: when someone successfully refers a new customer to you, they get rewarded. The reward can vary, including things like gift cards, discounts on the next service, partner discounts, and branded merch. To make your referral program sparkle (and effective), you’ll need to choose rewards that your customers would genuinely like. Offer something that they can’t refuse, upping the ante for referrals. 

Grow Your Pressure Washing Business With Housecall Pro

Marketing your pressure washing business doesn’t have to be overly complicated. If you’re asking yourself how to market a power washing business, the answer is straightforward: use a blend of traditional and digital methods.  

A simple, well-designed strategy combining the best of digital and traditional methods can make a world of difference in boosting your business and helping you meet growth goals. While it takes effort, implementing a marketing strategy is well worth it in the long run. 
As your business begins to grow and expand, Housecall Pro is here to help with streamlined solutions for scheduling, dispatching, invoicing, and payment collection. Managing your business has never been easier than with Housecall Pro’s pressure washing software. Start with a free 14-day trial to see how Housecall Pro can benefit your business.

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Last Posted October, 2024
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