Finding Plumbing Logo Design Ideas for Your Plumbing Business - Housecall Pro
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Finding Plumbing Logo Design Ideas for Your Plumbing Business

man with wrench under a sink

If you own a plumbing business or you’re thinking about starting one, one element critical to your brand’s success is an innovative plumbing logo. While creating a logo from scratch might seem intimidating, you don’t have to be a graphic designer to make a great logo. You simply need to keep some basic design guidelines in your back pocket as you let out your inner plumbing Picasso. With a little thoughtfulness and creativity, you can create an on-brand logo that helps define your company, increases brand recognition, and drives business growth.

We’ve broken down the essentials of logo design to give you a full overview of everything that goes into a great logo. For your plumbing logo, you’ll want to integrate features that make you appear trustworthy, respected, and professional. Keep that in mind as you read along.

Read on for a full overview of logo design or click directly on the section below related to your question.

Logo Basics

Curious about how to brand a plumbing service? It all starts with creating an outline of your business goals and a mission statement that identifies how your services are different than what competitors can offer. Once you have those details nailed down, you can get into the fun stuff: making your logo.

logo tells customers who you are and what you do—that’s a big job. A brand name, on the other hand, informs clients of your company’s identity. The mark (an icon or symbol) associated with it helps customers recognize and remember your business the next time they see it.

A great plumbing logo, for example, separates your company from the rest of the pack. Perception and trust are built over time and a logo that’s a bit different than competitors will contribute to the distinctiveness of your brand image.

It takes 10 seconds for consumers to form a first impression of a brand’s logo, but it takes 5-7 impressions for consumers to recognize that logo.

Here are some other aspects of logos to think about as you create your design.

  • Brand personality: A well-designed plumbing logo can communicate different aspects of your company’s personality or attitude.
  • Aiding recall: A good logo is something that a potential customer can remember. Your logo should be simple and bold. Avoid confusing abstract marks or a monogram logo if you’re a new plumbing company trying to get your name out in the market.
  • Anatomy of a logo: A logo is made up of a name and a mark. But some companies do away with a mark altogether and simply use a name. Others, like Nike, are part and parcel with the symbol itself; you can’t think of Nike without thinking about the Nike swoosh. However, unless you’re as famous as a company like Nike, you’ll probably want to include your company name in your logo design.

Wondering about the different types of images you can use for your plumbing services logo? Below, we’ll dive into some different types of plumbing logos so you can decide on the one that’s right for you and your company.

Logo Types to Consider for Your Plumbing Company

Some of the most iconic logos in the world—Coca-Cola, Apple, and IBM—all have one thing in common: simplicity. They age like fine wine because the original designers of the logo chose timeless design elements. You’ll notice trendy logos that use features like 3D typography or other flash-in-the-pan fonts become tired in just a few years as the trend dies out.

With this in mind, here are some types of logos you might want to consider as you move forward in the design process.

The different types of logos
Logotype logo example


 A company name in distinct typography (no mark associated with it)

  • Good for short company names and “new kid on the block” businesses
  • Examples: IBM, Google, eBay
Monogram logo example


A company’s initials, possibly arranged in an abstract design

  • Great for businesses with long names that are already established brands
  • Avoid this style of logo if you’re a new plumbing business because it can be too difficult for customers to figure out your actual company name
  • Examples: GE, Volkswagen (VW), LG
Abstract mark logo example

Abstract Marks:

 Nonrepresentational design or mark paired with the company name

  • Helps to make your business more unique and distinctive; more “serious” than adding a representational icon
  • Examples: Chase, BP, Pepsi
Descriptive mark logo example

Descriptive Marks:

 A visual representation of a company’s products, services, or defining features

  • Easily identifies what your company does; good for customer recognition and recall
  • Avoid a childish descriptive mark that’s too cartoonish; think about more adding in more refined images and icons like pipe silhouettes or water droplets
  • Examples: The National Cotton Council of America, Dunkin’ Donuts

Seals or Emblems: 

Typography with an icon in a shape like a shield, oval, or circle (his is the oldest type of logo that goes all the way back to the Middle Ages!)

  • Connotes tradition and long-standing business; gives your company a sense of gravity and weight
  • Examples: State and Federal agencies, Starbucks, Alfa Romeo

As you can see, there are plenty of options to choose from when you’re deciding on your plumbing company logo design. In terms of functionality—especially if you’re a new company—you’ll probably want to choose a unique font with a descriptive mark like a pipe or water droplet icon so customers immediately recognize the purpose of your company.

But don’t feel boxed in by those ideas; there are plenty of ways to suggest “plumbing” by using different kinds of iconography.

Color Psychology in Plumbing Logos

Color is a huge part of logo design because colors are directly related to your brand, company, or products. Different colors inspire different emotions and associations within consumers—so it’s crucial to choose color schemes that represent your company’s spirit.

If you’re drafting up plumbing logo design ideas, spend some time thinking about the colors you want to use. In addition, you’ll want to consider how those colors will look in other contexts, such as your plumbing company website and marketing materials like flyers and business cards.

Color association has been found to influence a person’s memory so keep that in mind when you’re assembling your logo. Many companies take advantage of this effect and have used colors in their logo designs that are as memorable as the logo or brand itself.

Below are some general color associations you can use to guide your choice of logo colors.

  • Red: passion, danger, power, love, youthful, bold
  • Green: natural, luck, money, envy, freshness, growth, health
  • Blue: confidence, loyalty, trust, water, comfort, strength, authority, calm
  • Purple: creativity, wealth, nobility, luxury, success, wealth, wise
  • Orange: friendship, excitement, confidence, cheerful, fun
  • Yellow: attention, sunshine, optimism, energy, playful
  • White: light, cleanliness, purity, safety, peace, refined
  • Black: formality, neutral, calm, classic, serious, tradition

When you’re trying to think about a logo, make sure it’s a flexible logo that will look good in a variety of settings in both small and large sizes. Also, it’s important that your logo is still distinct even in black and white.

Best Plumbing Logos

Looking for some plumbing logo inspiration? We’ve gathered some of the best plumbing logo designs you can use to brainstorm your own distinctive brand image that follows plumbing industry trends.

You’ll notice the best plumbing logos utilize fairly straightforward designs, heavily relying on black, red, grey, and blue to show a connection to plumbing services.


You might also notice some key icon usage that helps give more context to potential customers: pipes, water droplets, wrenches, etc.

As you look at these designs, think about how you can use similar elements as well as how you’d differentiate yourself. Maybe you can use grittier typography, a unique abstract mark, or a pop of color like purple to separate yourself from all of the blue-centric plumbing logo designs out in the market already.

Plumbing water drop logo

Whatever you decide on, your logo is a key aspect of your brand identity, so take the time to plan it out. Designing your logo shouldn’t be the last step you take when you set up your business.

If you are still overwhelmed by the prospect of being in charge of a logo design,  Housecall Pro has a convenient plumbing logo maker you can use to simplify the process so you can focus on other business-critical tasks.

Benefits of Housecall Pro’s logo generator:

  • Filter options
  • Styles based on your specific brand voice
  • Customize your results and export in JPB, PNG, AI, and Vector files

The Best Design for Your Business

Your plumbing company logo design is important to your company: think about a logo that conveys professionalism and trust, and you’ll be on your way to a memorable brand image. As a small business owner, there are tons of moving parts involved in running a successful plumbing company, but don’t let designing a great logo be a low priority.

A logo can help drive business, increase brand recognition, and keep you growing. If you need help beyond creating an amazing logo, Housecall Pro also offers plumbing business management software to help organize your service calls, payments, technicians, and enhance your company from bottom to top.

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Last Posted March, 2025
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