2022 HVAC scholarship - Housecall Pro
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Calling all hvac students

The 2022 Next Generation HVAC Scholarship

The TradeAcademy 2022 HVAC Scholarship is open now through December 31st! 20 students will earn $2,500 in tuition, tools, and supplies like a year supply of WD-40® Brand products.

Who won last year?

Meet last year’s winners

“Housecall Pro and the WD-40 Scholarship has helped me tremendously. The money that they gave me I took and went to trade school. I graduated this last May. I was working then and I’m working now!”

Sam DeVito Graduate, Dunwoody College of Technology 2021Next Gen Scholarship winner

Do you need school for an HVAC career?

Watch the video to the right to see why Mark Mazgan – who lost everything in the housing crash of 2008 – decided to go back to HVAC school. Today, Mark owns Mazgan Air Conditioning and Heating Repair, a successful HVAC company in New York.

Call us today: 858-842-5746

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